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Another First For The Spa Leisure Industry

Park Leisure Solutions Ltd announced the launch of a brand new, all in one Spa Water Auto-fill, Quality Monitoring and In Line Treatment System. The new Auto-fill and chemical dosing system, coupled with their award winning Climacube system offers Park Operators the complete solution for their spa operation and maintenance, ensuring the most cost effective way to fill, heat, dose and drain the spas.
HSE Guidelines for Holiday Park Hot Tubs and Spas recommend twice daily monitoring of the chemical and pH balance of your Hot Tub(s) to determine free chlorine levels, fixed chlorine levels, pH and alkalinity. Ensuring safe use for customers and where necessary treating water and dosing the Hot Tub according to the measurement results.
 Family in a spa
In addition, to make the most effective use of your chemical dosing, which will save money, help the environment, and provide customers with a more enjoyable hot tub experience, tracking the Hot Tub’s temperature and UV exposure can be extremely beneficial. However within a park environment, can also be very time consuming and costly.
That’s why Park Leisure Solutions Limited has developed, and now offer the new monitoring and delivery system. The new System will, in real time, monitor everything for you automatically, sending updates about the Hot Tub’s chemical dosing needs over your WiFi network or Smartphone, from anywhere in the world. The new system will auto adjust the dosing levels in line to create the correct water balance for the Hot Tub or you can adjust remotely if required.

Once installed the System is quick and easy to use. They suggest on changeover days adding a Chlorogene tablet ten minutes before emptying the water, which ensures the spas are 100% sanitized and kills biocides and legionella that could potentially be left in the pipe work on drain down which could carry in to the new water being filled. Then simply switch the System on and leave the Spa to auto fill and dose ready for use. Either manual or smart monitoring is available depending the installation requirements.
Fitted to 1, 5, 10, 50 or even 100 + Hot Tubs or Spas the System can remotely monitor, track, record and inline dose each individual Hot Tub in real time and produce the necessary performance data for both maintenance and health and safety departments when required. Saving man hours on change over days and monitoring, taking the guesswork out of your Hot Tub or Spa maintenance, leading to more efficient and effective dosing for your Hot Tubs, saving time and money and providing a safer environment for customers.


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