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Caravan Industry & Park Operator magazine offers essential reading for holiday park owners and operators across the UK.

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Using two-way radios to increase your communications on site

by Fiona McInnes, operations manager at InTouch Ltd

With the 2019 holiday season in full swing, the more organised amongst us have already turned to planning for spring 2020. Looking at improving efficiency across the whole park could mean taking out a flexible rental contract for two-way radios for the next season. Two-way radios are an ideal solution for any number of teams working across holiday parks. 

Using a two-way radio can also improve customer relations enormously. By enabling maintenance, security, retail and housekeeping employees to communicate with each other or with management this means they can solve issues very quickly. 

If there is an accident, or health and safety incident, reported by a holiday maker, the nearest employee can speak directly to management who can set about the correct chain of response and get it sorted instantaneously. 

InTouch Ltd supplies marketing-leading Motorola two-way radios specifically for holiday and caravan parks all across the UK. The leading technology business offers an exclusive deal for holiday and caIntouch Radio Logo - Using two-way radios to increase your communications on siteravan parks where you only pay for the handset rental for the months that the park is open. 

Flexible rental agreements mean that parks can increase or reduce the amount of handsets they need very quickly. Units are updated every two years on request to ensure that customers always have a reliable system, and there is a 48-hour replacement service for faulty handsets and batteries. 

Using two-way radios on site predominantly requires a technically assigned licence   to ensure usage is compliant with legislation. All business radio licences are regulated and issued by Ofcom. 

There are a number of different licences available so InTouch Ltd can advise properly on which is the relevant licence for your business needs and will apply for the licence on behalf of their customers. 

Bringing two-way radios into a large or small holiday park can revolutionise communications and really increase efficiency and very happy holiday makers. 

Find out more: 


T: 01524 833 588. 

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