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Elite Dynamics partners with SIGA Solutions to take products global

Elite Dynamics, a leading provider of software solutions to the Holiday Park industry, has partnered with renowned business software consultancy, SIGA Solutions, to help facilitate the expansion of its award-winning solutions to a worldwide audience. 

SIGA Solutions will be working with Elite Dynamics to accredit and approve their market leading EliteParks solution for use on the Microsoft AppSource – the global app store for Microsoft business products. 

This will mean anyone in the Holiday Park industry; from the New Forest to New Zealand, will be able to download and use the business solution – the only complete park management solution on the marketplace with a fully integrated finance solution – at the click of a button. 

Elite Dynamics is able to take the next step to market its products on the Microsoft AppSource as a result of moving to a SaaS (Software as a Service) model in 2021. By having the EliteParks solution available via the SaaS model, holiday park industry customers have full access to software on demand via a cloud-based system without having to worry about any extra burden of infrastructure or hardware costs. It also means those Elite Dynamics customers on the SaaS model benefit from instant access to the very latest Microsoft updates and subscriptions available and will always be at the forefront of technical advancements and one step ahead of competitors. Elite Dynamics

Jamaine Campbell, Managing Director at Elite Dynamics, said: “This year really has the potential to be a game-changer for us. Having our software solutions available on the Microsoft AppSource is a massive global shop window but it’s not easy to achieve, which is why we need the support of SIGA Solutions to help us get there and get it right. 

“Customers will be able to download a free trial of our software and, with the support of our new online blended training platform – EliteAcademy – work through our solutions training programme in 45 languages and dialects. There’s no restrictions on size of holiday parks – you can be a single park operator or a multi-park operator – everyone can benefit from the power and technological expertise of plugging into the Microsoft eco-system.”  

SIGA Solutions have also been working with the entire 19-strong Elite Dynamics team to create training programmes that will further develop and enhance their technical skills to support customers, and the development of future solutions. 

Wendy Glanfield, Founder of SIGA Solutions, added: “Making the transition from an on-premises to a SaaS-based business model introduces both challenges and opportunities. As a trusted advisor, SIGA Solutions will help Elite Dynamics with transforming their flagship products into a fully-fledged SaaS offering as well as reshaping their underlying business model to enable continued growth.” 

Jamaine continued: “This is the biggest investment we’ve ever made as a company. Its organisational-wide investment to get both us and our customers to the cloud where we can leverage everything that’s available to us. We’ll be the first to give our customers access to the latest technology, improve functionality, customise both the user experience and customer journey, and guarantee seamless, efficient integration with the rest of the Microsoft solutions.  Ultimately, it’s going to be just as simple and easy as when you download an app on your smartphone. Why wouldn’t you?”

Elite Dynamics is the only park management applications provider to have its solution officially accredited by Microsoft Dynamics and is a top tier Microsoft Gold partner. For more information on Elite Dynamics or to arrange a demo of the market leading Microsoft powered software solutions, visit https://www.elitedynamics.co.uk.

Elite Dynamics SaaS solutions will be available from late spring 2021.

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