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GoApe! go Carbon Neutral…should you?

Axiom Utilities provides a broad range of services. If you want to become carbon neutral, measure your carbon footprint or have your historic energy bills audited to receive refunds from energy suppliers or get cheaper rates, we can help.

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Axiom Utilities appointed to provide Carbon Neutrality for Go Ape! Axiom Utilities Ltd exhibited at the Holiday Park & Resort Innovation Expo 2021. It was our first “in person” event for some time and both attendance and interest in our services was excellent.

Go Ape go Carbon Neutral

We focused on two services at the show: –

• Helping organisations reduce their carbon footprint and becoming Carbon Neutral.

• Providing refunds from energy suppliers through auditing historic bills

Go Ape visited Axioms’ stand at the expo, enquiring about Carbon Neutrality. Following the event Axiom were appointed to provide our Net Zero service.

Claire Schofield, Head of People, at Go Ape advised “We selected Axiom to deliver our Carbon Neutral status following their genuine and uncluttered approach”. Go Ape now fully understand their carbon footprint including Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and have annual targets to reduce their carbon footprint and a strategic plan to meet these targets.

Axiom uses the PAS2060 accreditation providing long term commitment to carbon reduction with ethical and accredited offsetting.

Go Ape! is an outdoor adventure company which runs tree top ropes courses at locations across the UK.

The sites are in some of the UK’s most valuable and beautiful environments, ensuring their presence has the lowest possible impact. Axiom utilities provide a full range of energy, environmental and carbon management solutions ranging from carbon footprinting, energy reduction through to energy procurement.

For information contact consultancy@axiomutilities.com

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