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Caravan Industry & Park Operator magazine offers essential reading for holiday park owners and operators across the UK.

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What insurance risks do holiday park customers face in winter?

This month, Leisuredays Business Development Manager Steve Parker looks at the insurance risks faced by holiday park customers in winter.

Each winter, both park owners and insurance brokers often brace themselves for stormy weather or freezing temperatures.

Unfortunately holiday caravans are not as well insulated as our homes and seaside parks can bear the brunt of turbulent weather.

Here at Leisuredays, our most common winter insurance claims are almost always weather-related. Storm damage was the top holiday caravan insurance claim last winter, accounting for 20 per cent of all holiday caravan claims.

Other common claims were escape of water and boiler damage, often caused by frozen pipe damage, highlighting the importance of draining down static caravans or lodges from November until mid-March if they’re not in use on your
Leisuredays policyholders are always issued advice on how to take precautions to protect their pride and joy during these colder, winter months, as well as how parks can help owners drain down and advice on lagging any exposed pipes or adjusting boilers appropriately.
It’s also worth checking that owners have taken any outdoor furniture and other outside equipment inside to avoid any external damage when windy weather strikes.

holiday park in the winter, insurance risks
Plus, winter can attract unwelcome visitors, such as vermin or in some cases thieves or vandals. “We did deal with a handful of vandalism, vermin and theft claims last winter, so it pays to take steps to mitigate these risks,” said Steve.

Here are a few simple things park owners can do to protect their customers before winter weather and other perils strike:
• Make sure all your customers are adequately insured and dealing with a specialist and reputable insurance provider. Look for benefits such as debris removal so any badly damaged units can be removed quickly and also for experience of settling claims quickly, with prompt repairs and replacements.
• Help customers drain down completely for when your park is closed or how to undertake a simple drain down when the park is open but the caravan is to be left unattended, offering as much support as possible. See our advice for customers at www.leisuredays.co.uk/winter-weather.
• Make sure customers lock all doors, windows and skylights, as well as clearing their verandas and decking, and checking seams, seals and guttering. It’s also a good idea to clean their holiday caravans – inside and out – and remove any valuables, food and bedding. 

Existing Leisuredays parks can contact their Business Development Manager at any time for support with claims over winter as well as our award winning Claims Liaison Team.

If you don’t currently work with Leisuredays and want to find out more about how they can insure your park customers contact the Leisuredays Development Team on 01422 396 772, email development@leisuredays.co.uk or visit www.leisuredays.co.uk/parkoperators.

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