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The voice of the UK holiday park industry

Caravan Industry & Park Operator magazine offers essential reading for holiday park owners and operators across the UK.

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Technology adaptation in the holiday park industry

Cast your mind back to around 10-15 years ago… remember that brick we all used to carry around? People walk about with their phone in their pocket today and quickly forget what it was like to walk around with a phone in their pocket 10 years ago. They were very different times. 

We’re used to being digitized in so many aspects of our daily life and the introduction of smartphones and tablets has brought new technology into our homes and into our pockets. It’s second nature to us now and the holiday park sector needs to follow other industries – from hotels to retail outlets – in getting behind it. 

Put simply, one of the biggest challenges facing the holiday parks industry is not adopting technology. At Elite Dynamics, we’re on a mission to drive and support the digital evolution of the holiday parks industry. Those forward thinking holiday parks that are investing in technology are not just keeping up with customer expectations; they’re also stealing a march on their competitors. In the UK alone, there are around 4,000 holiday parks and the sector contributes a huge £9.3 billion in visitor spend. In today’s uncertain times when travel is impacted and the staycation bubble is a long way from bursting, people look for the reassurance and comfort of spending quality time with family, whether that’s investing in their own holiday home or staying together on a holiday park. Opportunities for the sector are plentiful…if they have the infrastructure in place and the vision to see what is possible. 

And what exactly is possible? 
Increased efficiency, reduced costs, increase in revenue stream, increase in customer and owner satisfaction – the list goes on. We haven’t to date seen any negative impact of implementing or moving toward more of a technological foundation. Gone are the days when holiday parks had to have multiple systems for bookings, finance, events, and numerous excel spreadsheets for general data, forecasting, and prospects. All of this (and more) can now be replaced with just one system and that is where we come in. 

Technology adaptation

EliteParks, our flagship park management solution is unique in the marketplace as it’s the only solution with a fully integrated finance system, which is written, owned, and therefore endorsed by Microsoft. There’s no better sales, operational, or finance solution in this industry today. And because we’re working with Microsoft, our holiday park customers are assured that we are always going to be at the forefront of technology. 

Elite Dynamics in name might still be a young business, but the people behind it have more than 100 years of combined experience in the holiday parks industry. Most of us have worked on parks so there is no one better placed to understand the challenges facing the industry, and more importantly, delivering the solutions to facilitate the improvement of everyone – whether that’s a single family-owned park looking for a requirement-satisfying solution or a large multi park, multi-revenue operation.  We’ve been on that side of the fence and now we’re doing the research around the technological landscape and with people like the BH&HPA, booking agents and manufacturers, to present to holiday park owners of all sizes just what could be possible if they adapt to technology. 

Just remember, we shouldn’t be afraid of technology. We’re not afraid of our phones! 

Elite Dynamics software solutions are designed specifically for the holiday park industry and developed for single and multi-park operators alike. As well as the flagship EliteParks, standalone financial and customer relationship management (CRM) solutions – EliteFinance and EliteCRM respectively – have been designed to integrate with existing independent park management systems. The Elite Software solutions are available on premises or in the cloud and can be accessed from anywhere and from any device with full functionality on laptops, PC’s, smartphones, and tablets. 

For more information or to arrange a demonstration of Elite Dynamics’ industry-focused solutions, visit https://www.elitedynamics.co.uk or call 0161 641 8926. 

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