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Green Goblet recycled tableware

When we talk about sustainability, we often think about how the product is sourced and how it is recycled. While these are important factors, these elements should be merely the bookends of a circular approach which benefits people, places and the planet.

There is over 5 trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean, and by 2040, our environmentally destructive habits will put the planet on an altered course of history that we will not be able to turn back from.

Thanks to programmes like ‘Blue Planet’, the world has seen the impact of plastic pollution -from seeing turtles eating plastic, sea birds feeding plastic to their chicks and marine animals trapped in plastic bags. It is also now a concern that more microplastics have been found in UK rivers, therefore affecting freshwater fish, otters and birds etc., making them plastic waterways which are pumping pollution through our towns and villagers. Although we have all been made more aware of the threat posed by single-use plastic, it is obvious that a solution must be found.

At Green Goblet, it has been our mission since 2012 to eliminate single-use plastic. We have now saved hundreds of millions of single-green-gobletuse cups going into landfill by helping organisations switch over to reusable cups and tableware.

We have watched the transformation of festival and event sites, where once there was a ‘sea’ of single-use plastic cups left scattered over the grounds at 

the end of each day, to seeing the grass! This has been possible due to festival and events replacing single-use cups with reusable cups. These cups can either be branded for their event, or they can use a mixture of branded with our generic cups. Another solution is to rent our generic cups from us, where the cups are delivered to the site and picked up after the event. This is the perfect solution when an organisation is holding a big event and needs a low-cost solution.

Most events usually operate on a £1/£2 deposit scheme where they pay a deposit for their cup with their first drink and then their cup is exchanged for a clean cup with every additional drink they purchase. When they have finished drinking, they can then take their cup back to get their cup deposit back. All the dirty cups are then sent back to one of Green Goblets wash stations (or on-site), where they are hygienically washed and dried ready to be sent out to the next event. 

These reusable cups are ideal for Caravan Parks, especially where they have outside drinking areas. As glass has very little resistance impact, there is always the fear of glasses being broken into potentially dangerous shards in public areas. Why not have a reusable cup which is branded to your organisation that your customers pay a deposit for, so they can bring their cup back for a refund or keep their cup as a souvenir of their holiday. It also keeps the tables clear and eliminates the need for staff to be clearing the tables of glasses.

green goblet

Green Goblet reusable cups have proved very popular at Caravan Parks and have become more and more popular with the holidaymakers. They are also very popular with the children for their slush puppies.

Caravan/Holiday Parks usually attract people that appreciate the outdoors life and have a concern for the natural world. So, from our experience, they are usually very supportive of an organisations step to become more environmentally friendly by using ‘eco-friendly’ ‘green’ cups. 

Green Goblet has taken their experience to continually look at ways that they can help organisations lower their carbon footprint which is why we have introduced our new reusable hot cup. This can also be branded to your organisation or left blank. By charging a deposit for the hot cup means that the customer can keep coming back time and time to exchange their cup for another hot drink. 

Green Goblet has now launched a new Coffee Cup scheme with the new ‘Billie Cup’. This means that the hot/cold cup can be exchanged at multiple locations meaning less waste and less pollution. These cups are ideal for coffee, tea, ice-creams, soups, smoothies and milkshakes -please contact info@green-goblet.com for more information.

green gobletAll these ‘eco-friendly cups are dishwasher proof and have been tested by being washed over 500 times – and still look great! When these reusable cups come to the end of their life, they are recycled into coat hangers, ice scrapers and other useful objects.

All Green Goblet, their eco-cups come in lots of different sizes and colours, from pints, half pints to wine and champagne flutes. All of them can be branded to your organisation or event, left blank with just a ‘I’M A REUSABLE CUP- PLEASE RETURN ME’ message on, or left completely blank. 

recycled tableware - green gobletWe now offer reusable branded or unbranded wine and champagne flutes which are perfect for outdoor areas.

It is more important than everyone adopts a green lifestyle. We believe that everyone can make a difference – saving the planet one cup at a time. # Refill not Landfill

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