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Bespoke Canopy Offerings From Fordingbridge

The offering for Park Owners looking to increase the opportunities for their guests is now even greater, thanks to the standard and bespoke canopy offering from Fordingbridge.

The West Sussex based specialist have a long history in helping businBespoke canopy in caravan parkesses expand their offering of year round shelter for dining, sports and recreation. Designing and manufacturing their canopies in-house, this has always resulted in high quality products with excellent costings. 

 “We understand the changing landscape of the UK holiday industry and we know that while the opportunity is certainly there, both holiday makers and park-home owners are looking for facilities that will allow them to maximise use of their investment,” explains Adam Collier, the company’s leisure specialist. “Fordingbridge offers a truly consultative approach. We fully discuss your ideas and vision for the park so that we understand the direction you wish to take in the longer term. Our products are designed to last for decades, so it’s important it will fit with your long term plans. If you would like us to visit your site, we will happily do so, so as to provide you with a proposal fully designed around you.”

While the firms’ approach is a more tailored experience with regards to customer service, Fordingbridge also offer a range of standardised products in their canopy offering. “As we have been trading for so long, over 50 years in fact, we have built a solid portfolio of past projects. We are able to provide costings for both regular shapes and the weird and wonderful!” Adam explains. “Our design team is in-house, as are our engineers. This means we can quickly translate your ideas into a functional canopy to protect your guests.”

The innovation and design capabilities are apparent throughout the firtennis-court.jpgm, having developed their own roofing specifically for their products. Opal 60 was custom developed to provide a canopy roof material which remains 100% waterproof and reduces harmful UV. The uniqueness of the Fordingbridge offering is that the material still allows a generous amount of natural light to pass through, hence reducing the claustrophobic sensation of competitor fabric products. “Opal 60 is a fantastic product,” he comments. “It provides rain protection when necessary and gives opportunity for protection from the suns UV without casting a shadow over the site. The protection is there, but so is the light, and that is just as important. Our work covers so many different sectors, including healthcare and education and the level of detail in a canopy specification really means these factors can’t be overlooked. The days of shade sails are waning, not only due to the lack of rain protection but also the lack of proper UV shelter.

The Fordingbridge offering is broad. With products ranging from timber canopies adjacent to buildings for increased seated dining, to full MUGA coverings to allow promotion of your parks’ sports facilities throughout the year, Fordingbridge have the skills and experience necessary to translate your requirements into a practical, long lasting and aesthetic enhancement to your facility. Able to add value to your site through innovative techniques and more than five decades experience, a Fordingbridge canopy is an investment that is sure to enhance your guest experience from the outset.


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