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Independent lab tests show Weedingtech’s chemical-free foam kills coronavirus in under 10 seconds

Award-winning British technology used by local authorities around the world to kill weeds and algae without chemicals could prove a vital tool in the fight against coronavirus, research has shown. 

The Foamstream technology, designed by Weedingtech, was originally invented as a herbicide-free way to control weeds, moss and algae in public spaces, including parks and city streets; but independent lab tests confirm it can quickly kill Covid-19 particles in under 10 seconds. 

The Foamstream ‘wand’ emits near-boiling hot water, blended with natural plant oils and sugars including wheat, maize, potatoes, rapeseed and coconut oil on surfaces. 

Independent laboratory research by BluTest, one of the United Kingdom’s leading laboratories and an internationally recognised expert in virus testing, showed that Foamstream killed 99.99% of all coronavirus particles within seconds and without recourse to chemicals that might harm the environment or the public. This makes it one of the fastest-acting treatments for killing Covid-19 particles. 

chemical-free foam from Foamstream technology
Leo de Montaignac, CEO at Weedingtech, said: “We began exploring other uses for the technology beyond weed control last year, including the elimination of viruses – something which is now more crucial than ever. As lockdown restrictions relax and children return to school and people enjoy public outdoor places again, it is vital they are safe. Foamstream can help by destroying coronavirus particles, preventing their transmission, and giving peace of mind to millions across the UK and many more around the world.” 

He added: “The applications of this are enormous. It can be used in sports stadiums, bus shelters, school playgrounds and parks. It can help make children’s play areas safe, as well as park seating, outdoor gyms, theme parks, beach front seating, station platforms and bus and tram stations.” 
Until now, no other outdoor sanitisation technology has met all necessary criteria to be considered a viable solution in eliminating coronavirus.

Foamstream is significantly faster and easier to use than most current manual sanitisation practices, like disinfectants. Furthermore, it’s approved for organic use and non-toxic, meaning it can be used in the majority of outdoor settings. 

Given these breakthrough lab results, Foamstream will work with local municipalities and other landowners to help decontaminate public places so they are safer for people to use and enjoy. 

Dr. Sandy Primrose MBE, UK renowned microbiologist, said: “To date, deep-cleaning processes have typically involved various chemicals and presented several logistical challenges, particularly with larger spaces such as train stations, but Foamstream scales up the process and offers an infinitely more effective and safe solution.” 

How does it work? Coronavirus particles begin to break down when subjected to heat upwards of 56°C / 133°F and the higher the temperature the faster the kill rate. Foamstream flows from the lance at 98°C / 208°F. The heat in the hot water is trapped on the virus by a biodegradable foam blanket, stopping the heat from escaping to the atmosphere. The wet heat destroys the lipid envelope that surrounds the virus making it non-infectious. 

Given that Foamstream is chemical-free, there’s no need to cordon off treatment areas prior to, during, or after treatment, as the product is safe for people, animals and delicate ecosystems. In addition, it can be used on flat and vertical surfaces too, making it highly effective, versatile, and user-friendly. 

Foamstream systems are already in use for controlling vegetation across the world in cities including New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, Miami, Munich, Barcelona, Budapest, Manchester, Dublin, London, Auckland, Hong Kong and Montevideo. Global distribution is already established (typically through Toro and John Deere distributors) on five continents, making Foamstream technology easily accessible to all. 

For further detail on Weedingtech and Foamstream, Please visit: https://www.weedingtech.com/why-foamstream/
You can also see more about how Foamstream works, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4o1ROoBfGxY&feature=youtu.be

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