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Hello from the ecoextinguishers team!

On average our customers benefit from a 47% cost savings when switching to ecoextinguishers!

What makes these units eco?



The ecoextinguisher offers various environmentally friendly aspects that promote the move away from traditional standard steel extinguishers.

The Eco units are built in Britain with a design that allows for a higher percentage of recycled parts to be utilised. These parts are then put together using a low-energy manufacturing process. 

The high performance of the Eco P50 fire extinguisher has allowed for the removal of CO2 all together. One single Eco unit will replace the need for the combination of one standard steel unit and one standard CO2 unit. This minor change in your premises fire protection can assist in our global move towards CO2 usage reduction!

Another beneift, and environmentally friendly aspect of the Eco, is that you will no longer require an engineer to visit the site to undertake costly servicing. This is due to the unique simple annual maintenance that can be completed by your on-site competent person. By removing the need for an engineer to regaularly visit the site, you are helping to futher reduce CO2 emssions!

The Eco units are also part of the movement promoting reducing, reusing and recyling, where possible. Each new unit will boast a 10-year warranty that is part of the total 20-year life cycle. The units will remain on your site for the first 10-years of the cycle, under the intial warranty. At the year-10 mark, the units will be removed, discharged and, where possible, refurbished. You will then be offered a fully refurbished set of 10-year units, at half of the original cost*. 

What do we mean by simple maintenance

The Eco P50 extinguishers, as mentioned previously, will require an annual simple maintenance check to ensure the units are in the correct working condition. The annual maintenance check can be completed by your on-site competent person and this person will have received full training from our installation team at no cost!

There are four main points to the maintenance checks:

  • Visual Check – a visual check to ensure that the unit has not been damaged and all pieces, such as the tag and pin, are in place. This should also include checking that the instructions and hose are not damaged.
  • Pressure Gauge Check – this check will be undertaken by using the magnet (located in the unit base) to check that the unit is still pressurised correctly. There are two gauges present to ensure that the correct reading is apparent to the inspector. 
  • Record the Maintenance Check –  This can be completed by using a black permenant marker and applying the date of the maintenance and the initials of the inspector to the unit, within the relevant provided year space.
  • Record on the Extinguisher Management System – this is a FREE system that will be provide you with email reminders 30-days prior to the required maintenance. Once the maintenance has been completed, each extinguisher will be recorded as a pass or fail on the system.

How can ecoextinguishers benefit your park or premises?

£5.00 Exclusive Caravan and Park Operators Magazine Discount!

£5.00 Exclusive Caravan and Park Operators Magazine Discount!

The ecoextinguishers offer various benefits to your site, ranging from cost savings to ensuring your park is doing it’s part in our national move towards sustainability. There are also several unique benefits that could be very benficial to your location including:

  • UV Protective Casing – Each extinguisher is manufactured with a special UV protective casing allowing the extinguishers to be placed outisde with no risk of sun bleaching/damage
  • Marine Grade Anti-Corrosive Component- The units have a marine grade anti-corrosive compontent which ensures their ability to be kept outside if required and removes the risk of corrosion 
  • Kevlar Woven Core – Units are fited with a Kevlar Aramid type woven core for incredible strength
  • Pressure Fail Safe – as the extinguishers may be placed in high-traffic areas, including those with large vehicles, the ecoextinguisher has been designed with a pressure release. In the event of the extinguisher being damaged, e.g. run over or cracked, the pressure and contents will be released from the bottom. This ensures that, unlike standard steel units, the Eco will not explode
  • Assisting Staff Understanding – Full training will be given to the relevent competent person/s for the site. This will ensure that your staff have a full understanding of how the units work
  • Safer to Use – as the Eco units cover Class A & B fires as well as live electrical equipment, they provide a simplified system that ensures your staff will be able to confidently handle the unit without the worry that they are using the incorrect extinguisher type. These are also much lighter than traditional steel units
  • Free Extinguisher Replacement if an ecoextinguisher is used during a fire related incident with FRN proof!

Free Extinguisher Replacement if an ecoextinguisher is used during a fire related incident with FRN proof!

when contacting us!

Site Fire Safety! 

For more information or to book a free quotation, visit:


email: info@ecoextinguishers.co.uk or call: 01635 292444

*This may be subject to change based on material price increase.


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