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Golden Coast says relax

Managing multiple facilities is a complex task, but with a Golden Coast heat pump you can at least be confident that your hot tub heating is fully under control.


The pump uses innovative inverter technology to maintain water temperature on a low current, thereby ensuring higher efficiency. Since the pump uses far less energy, electricity bills are significantly reduced – so you need not worry about your budget.


Golden Coast fan“You can relax knowing that the heat pump is only using the amount of energy you need it to, preventing any unwelcome surprises when the electricity bill comes,” explains Adam Clark, Sales Director at Golden Coast. “In fact, running costs will not only be manageable, but could be far lower compared to using electric heaters. You could save thousands of pounds by switching to a Golden Coast heat pump.” Given the amount of light and heat sources running simultaneously around a holiday park, power cuts are a common issue. But when you turn on a Golden Coast heat pump, soft start technology reduces the current peak for a seamless start up. The lower energy consumption also means you can be sure you’re using a more sustainable heating product – helping you cut your carbon footprint.


The robust build of a Golden Coast Heat pump guarantees a long product life, so maintenance isn’t a problem either. The pump benefits from titanium heat exchangers which are resistant to corrosion by salt, chlorine and bromine. Even the changeable and unpredictable weather experienced throughout the UK is no match for a Golden Coast heat pump. It can operate in cold temperatures as low as -15°C, and has a heater tray element that protects the machine in colder months.


The heat pump unit comprises an efficient rotary compressor and multi-speed fan motor which guarantee quiet operation with a noise level of just 40dB (that’s library level), so guests won’t be disturbed by the sound.


“Our heat pump is ideal for holiday parks because it can keep hot tubs warm in any season, which provides more flexibility with facilities, and since the heat pump warms the water quickly, guests will be happy that they don’t have to wait long to use the hot tub,” assures Adam. “Whether you have one hot tub or a hundred, managing them should be stress-free, and it can be with a Golden Coast heat pump.”


For more information on Golden Coast heat pumps, contact a member of the sales team on 01271 378100, email swimmer@goldenc.com or visit www.goldenc.com.

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