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A Successful Holiday Park Innovation Show for 2019 and 2020 Plans

The Holiday Park Innovation Show has closed its doors for another year, but that doesn’t mean it’s over yet…

Before we officially say goodbye to the Holiday Park Innovation Show 2019, we thought it was only right that we emphasise our fantastic achievements. We are so proud to have pulled this event off, and are looking forward to making the show even better for next year.

Find out some of our biggest achievements, hear some astounding testimonials, and find out what our plans for 2020 are! All this will be disclosed right here, so read on for more…

Facts and Figures From the Show

We have been blown away with the feedback we received from our show, and have put together some stats from the questionnaires and emails we sent out. Firstly, our leisure, hospitality and tourism shows altogether welcomed 17,890 visitors, which was a massive 27 percent increase from last year!


Within the Holiday Park Innovation Show alone, our visitors held job titles which could be best described as:Holiday Park innovation show entrance

● Holiday Park Director, CEO or Founder: 33%

● Business Development Manager/Director: 15%

● Campsite Owner: 21%

● Leisure Centre Director: 3%

● Marketing, Advertising, PR and Social Media Managers: 16%

● Operations, Booking Services and Customer Relations: 5%

● Holiday Park Food and Beverage Services: 7%

Out of these attendees, 90 percent are hoping to attend the 2020 show. This comes as no surprise when we consider that 70 percent of visitors said meeting exhibitors was the most beneficial element of the event.


When it comes to our exhibitors, over 96 percent have said they are happy with the diversity of the visitors, bringing new business opportunities and leads. In fact, directly after the show, 66 percent of exhibitors confirmed they would be doing business with visitors, and 34 percent were in discussion with potential buyers about future business. Due to this, 85 percent of exhibitors have already re-booked for 2020!


What Did Our Exhibitors Have to Say?

Overall, we had a lot of positive feedback from our exhibitors, and we really wanted to share with you some of these amazing comments:

● Sutton Hospitality – Alex Sutton: “We’ve had a very successful experience, speaking to landowners and farmers. Overall, it’s been a great success for us.”

● Holiday Let Furnishings Ltd – Rachel Conroy, Director: “We decided to increase the size of our stand this year in a better more central location. It has paid off, as there has hardly been a minute of the show that we haven’t had visitors at our stand. The quality of leads has been very promising. We have already reserved our stand for next year! Thank you to the very helpful Prysm team.”

● Fowler Revolution – David Randall, Sales Manager: “Good atmosphere, friendly staff, great footfall!”

● GPT Waste Management – Donna Liebernberg, Waste Solutions: “Lovely show, enjoyed the company of all our visitors.”

● EDSB Fire & Security – M. Solomon: “We found the show extremely rewarding, and met some excellent businesses.”

● Ecoknit Towels – John Balladon, Sales Director: “Well organised, very helpful and friendly staff, busy – plenty of diverse exhibitors.”

● Arleigh International – David Wood, Sales Rep: “Very interesting show, lots to see in a friendly environment.”

● Caravan Park Electrical Service Ltd – Ted Waring, Director: “Very impressed with the organisation and general layout of the show. Already re-booked for 2020!”

● NCC Benevolent – Melanie Day, Manager: “The HPI show provided a great platform to introduce the NCC Benevolent Fund to the industry; we were thrilled to be a charity partner.”


Plans For Next Year’s Holiday Park Innovation ShowHoliday park innovation show exhibitors

In today’s modern world, the holiday park industry changes every day, so staying up-to-date with the latest consumer trends is ever-important. Due to this, we strive to make each year’s show better than the last, to ensure that our visitors get the necessary tools they require to improve their hospitality offerings.

For next year’s show, we are capping the size, so that we can focus on the exhibitors we have, and on making the whole experience as useful as possible. With this in mind, we have a couple of new ideas up our sleeves, which we hope will make the day even more beneficial for our visitors and exhibitors.

These include an awards ceremony stage, where we can showcase our amazing nominees, and their products and services, in front of a live audience. We would also like to put an emphasis on our Panel Debates, which proved to be a very popular fixture, by expanding our range of debates across each show.


Want to Exhibit Next Year?

Want to exhibit at next year’s show, at the NEC, Birmingham on 11th & 12th November? We’d love to welcome you into our community of exhibitors, so don’t hesitate to get in contact with the Holiday Park & Resort Innovation Show Event Director, William Mansfield:

● Email: william.mansfield@prysmgroup.co.uk

● Phone: +44 (0)117 929 6087

Alternatively, if you want to visit, then stay tuned for our FREE tickets, which will be available to apply for very soon!

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