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The voice of the UK holiday park industry

Caravan Industry & Park Operator magazine offers essential reading for holiday park owners and operators across the UK.

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Integrated Smart Home experts

Integrated Smart Home experts, SmartRent, have teamed up with global access specialists, TLJ Access Control to deliver a truly ‘street to sofa’ integrated solution, perfect for implementation in homes, shared accommodation or Holiday Parks.

The ‘traditional’ metal key is set to become a thing of the past with the combination of SmartRent’s app based system and TLJ’s smart locks and numerical Zpad.  Smart locks are electronic door locks controlled by a key card, fob, smartphone or other electronic device, in this case by a number key pad and a code, issued via the app.

In the Holiday Park setting this delivers a whole new offering for Operators, giving them enhanced Estate Team efficiencies whilst also presenting guests with another level of luxury for their holiday or visit. 

The guest journey from arrival to entry of the unit can now be completely automated and touch free, there’s no need for physical keys to hand to visitors so no keys to lose and no more lengthy queues at reception on check in day. Guests are issued a personal key code that allows them to open their door via their mobile phone.  The SmartRent system also gives them the option of being able to operate the thermostat in their unit remotely (useful for turning on the heating on the way home from a day swimming, for example), and the ability to access all the park amenities (pool, gym, entertainment area etc) from one single app. 

smart rent access control - integrated smart home expertsWith SmartRent, the operator no longer has to send maintenance teams back to the office to sort through and collect the correct keys before accessing units – instead they can be sent the work orders and a one time code for quick access to sort out in-unit issues. Being able to monitor for leaks remotely and control thermostats in empty units not only allows operators to monitor for dripping pipes or humidity issues, turn down thermostats left on when a guest checks out and make units comfortable for the next guests’ arrival, all without visiting the unit in person. This saves Operators time and money – minor issues are detected long before they become major problems that can result in costly repairs or worse still – putting the unit out of commission for a period altogether.  Adding in TLJ’s smart access control and you have a smooth, sleek process that results in as little disruption for the Park guest as possible.

The integration of TLJ Access Control into the SmartRent system creates a seamless solution for Holiday Parks – saving money, increasing efficiencies and presenting the Holiday Park as a Smarter Park, no longer the Park of the future but the Park of NOW…!

email sales-uk@smartrent.com

Speedy Fit Park House

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