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The voice of the UK holiday park industry

Caravan Industry & Park Operator magazine offers essential reading for holiday park owners and operators across the UK.

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Pathways to a perfect park landscape: Soils, Aggregates and Stone

First impressions really count, and that does not stop at your park entrance. It continues onto your main thoroughfare and beyond at every pitch and pocket of land – it impacts site-wide. Waterlogged patches, unruly pathways and pot-holed roads are an instant turn-off, causing untold damage to your reputation as well as to vehicles and pedestrians.

Planted beds, hedge screening, wildflower meadows and green roofs can make your outdoor experience stand out for all the right reasons, too.  At that means taking a closer look beneath your feet…

Chances are you want your park to be more than just a place to stay. You want holidaymakers to return, to recommend and to share a positive experience of their time on site.  Whilst the accommodation, the facilities, the entertainment and the environment are critical factors, it will no doubt be the “bits in between” where you could be letting the side – and site – down.  

MCME bagged materials for park landscapeRoadways, pathways, play and plants

Suppliers of British Standard topsoils and aggregates for almost a quarter of a century, MCM are favoured by award-winning landscapers and the UK’s leading construction companies when it comes to the provision of consistently high quality landscape materials.  The Surrey-based company source materials from quarries and sites across the South East but have a UK-wide logistics network.  They have been the first port of call for soils and aggregates to projects including Holland Park play area in Kensington, Kearsney Court historic park in Dover, roof gardens and avenues at Wembley Park and groundworks at the University of Winchester.

It is in these and other private, commercial and public open space projects where the correct specification, selection and supply of soils, gravels and aggregates is critical.  This is why it is so important to consider your end goals when it comes to product choice for park renovations and refurbishment.

Choose the right landscape materials

Whether gabion stone for a cage wall or bank reinforcement, new planting or a forecourt of self-binding gravel that looks great all year round, discuss your options with a specialist supplier of soils and aggregates.  They can guide you on product selection and advise on site preparation, calculating how much you need and how it can best be delivered to site dependent on access, space and location.  MCM supply in loose, direct-to-site loads up to 20 tonnes or in multi-lift bags so that deliveries can be tailored to suit.

British Standards soils and blends for planting, turf and meadow

Now more than ever, we want to embrace and enjoy our outdoor spaces.  And whilst your holiday park is more than likely blessed with a natural environment, you can always add more – perhaps some hedge screening, new planting beds, lawns, playgrounds, improvements to your wooded areas or perhaps even a living wall or green roof.  Creating new beds means new soil and to ensure the healthiest establishment and long-term success of your planting, you should select the best soil blend and one that meets the most rigorous of British Standard specifications – and has the test certificate to prove it.  MCM supplies lightweight substrates for roof gardens and areas where soil weight and drainage are top considerations, as well as specialist soils for acid-loving plants. For wildflower planting in pockets around the development, choose a low fertility topsoil blend to provide the nutrient levels required for a thriving soft landscape whilst suppressing the onset of invasive weeds across the planting scheme.

MCME self binding materialsPreparing your site to diversify

PROJECT: Self-binding golden gravel path for alpacas on Surrey farm

Binding together when rolled to create a self-compacted golden surface, MCM’s self-binding gravel has been used to great effect on this farm in Surrey. The golden driveway stays firm underfoot and is a versatile and attractive alternative to other more traditional loose aggregates.

The homeowner took delivery of their self-binding gravel in April and after transporting the gravel by dumper across a 200 metre stretch to the alpaca shelters at the bottom of an adjacent field, the hard standing area is now complete and ready for its South American visitors. “Lulu” and the gang are more than happy with their upgraded home, as is the homeowner who commended the MCM team for helping them with product selection and arranging swift delivery.

PROJECT: Self-binding golden gravel path for alpacas on Surrey farm

Binding together when rolled to create a self-compacted golden surface, MCM’s self-binding gravel has been used to great effect on this farm in Surrey. The golden driveway stays firm underfoot and is a versatile and attractive alternative to other more traditional loose aggregates.

The homeowner took delivery of their self-binding gravel in April and after transporting the gravel by dumper across a 200 metre stretch to the alpaca shelters at the bottom of an adjacent field, the hard standing area is now complete and ready for its South American visitors. “Lulu” and the gang are more than happy with their upgraded home, as is the homeowner who commended the MCM team for helping them with product selection and arranging swift delivery.

A welcoming environment 

PRODUCT: Paving the way with permeable recycled aggregates

With site drainage crucial throughout the year, it is worth considering a permeable recycled aggregate alternative to keep your landscape and groundworks free-draining and puddle-free.

Cheaper than a primary aggregate – a win-win for budget and environment – a 2/6mm permeable aggregate bedding layer allows surface water to run off and escape through the sub-base and into the ground beneath.  Its grading gives a balance between the sub-base layer’s stability and the free movement of water off, down and through. This makes this recycled permeable aggregate the perfect base layer for sports pitches, paving, car parks and driveways.

PRODUCT: Paving the way with permeable recycled aggregates

With site drainage crucial throughout the year, it is worth considering a permeable recycled aggregate alternative to keep your landscape and groundworks free-draining and puddle-free.

Cheaper than a primary aggregate – a win-win for budget and environment – a 2/6mm permeable aggregate bedding layer allows surface water to run off and escape through the sub-base and into the ground beneath.  Its grading gives a balance between the sub-base layer’s stability and the free movement of water off, down and through. This makes this recycled permeable aggregate the perfect base layer for sports pitches, paving, car parks and driveways.


MCME shinglesThe perfect park landscape

For paved and unpaved roads, temporary working areas or to prepare for an outdoor event, choose an aggregate that compacts and drains without losing stability.  For new trees, shrubs or turfed areas, choose a rootzone material for a healthy root boost and a great start in life.  For walls and embankments or a contemporary landscape statement, choose gabion stone, Scottish cobbles or other decorative aggregates to emphasise and complement the luxury of your accommodation.

Find out more about MCM

Visit www.mcm-se.com to find out about all of the products, applications and support available, as well as details of how MCM have helped on construction and landscape improvement projects across the UK.

Contact the MCM team directly via the Live Chat on the website, call MCM on 0330 128 1030, or email info@mcm-se.com

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