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How UK Agricultural Finance Can Help You

UK Agricultural Finance was founded to provide much needed business finance to rural communities across England, Scotland and Wales.  The company recently secured institutional funding to expand its loan book by £150m to meet the demand from farmers for short and medium-term capital, after many of the banks cut their specialist lending teams during and post the financial crisis.  
Rural finance requires specialist knowledge and a lender willing to offer traditional face to face underwriting.  UK Agricultural Finance’s team knows rural property and rural businesses, the many challenges they face, but most importantly their appeal.  They also understand business lending against agricultural land where a ‘one size fits all’ doesn’t work. The company prides itself on working with the leading experts in agricultural valuation, security and restructuring to ensure swift informed and fair decisions.
UK Agricultural Finance’s works with farmers up and down the country providing loans to assist:
•    Diversification, to build new businesses
•    Purchasing new farmland when additional acreage or a unique property opportunity may come available and often at short notice
•    Property finance to develop, renovate or repair property for capital appreciation and income generation
•    Renewable energy projects can be a great source of additional income and add real value to under-utilised land on a farm, or even turn waste products into revenueHow UK Agricultural Finance Can Help You
•    Livestock finance to expand their livestock holdings
•    Recovery and Restructuring is needed when financial pressure is acute, and a facility can provide a window to take control and rationally plan
•    Tenant farmers with a right to buy their land
•    Generational transfer to help farming families who are looking to transfer their farm to the next generation achieve this
Their loans range from £100,000 to £10m, with terms from one to seven years and a maximum LTV of 65%. 
UK Agricultural Finance recently joined a select group of alternative finance firms on NatWest’s Capital Connections panel, becoming the 10th lender and first industry specialist on the panel.
UK Agricultural Finance is an enthusiastic supporter of farm diversification and is experienced in working with brokers and providing farmers access to capital to diversify, sustain, grow and improve their businesses.
If you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact the team on 01732 252 399 or info@ukagriculutralfinance.com 

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