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The voice of the UK holiday park industry

Caravan Industry & Park Operator magazine offers essential reading for holiday park owners and operators across the UK.

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Are you aware of the risk of Legionella and other diseases? 

As a holiday let owner or holiday park owner are you aware of the risk of Legionella and other potentially infectious waterborne diseases? Are you aware of your legal obligations to control and monitor these risks?

Anyone can be susceptible to Legionnaires and other waterborne diseases such as pseudomonas, those most susceptible include; people aged over 45, smokers, people who drink heavily, anyone suffering from respiratory, lung or heart disease and anyone with an impaired immune system. 

lady giving legionella presentation

Legionella compliance doesn’t have to be complicated, an important aspect of Legionella control in holiday lets is managing the risk during void periods. It’s important that during shut down periods water in the system is completely drained down when not in use. However, if your property is open but has been left vacant for a period longer than a few days the water could still be a risk and should be flushed thoroughly as stagnation encourages bacterial growth. 

Having a risk assessment in place to identify potential risks in your water system and appointing a competent person in charge of the system, who understands it’s workings and any associated equipment, is always recommended as it will help to identify any possible exposure to Legionella. Undertaking a regular programme to flush the system will also help, flushing of the system on a regular basis can reduce the risk but be wary, water that has been left sitting unused in a system may already contain potentially dangerous bacteria. Fully cleaning and opening outlets such as taps and showers and allowing them to run for several minutes on full will help to flush the system, we would always advise doing this and leaving the room to ensure any potentially dangerous air droplets are not inhaled.

However, be aware showers and taps are not the only potential hazards, swimming pools, hot tubs and air conditioning units all carry their own risks as they have environmental conditions that can support the growth of legionella and other infectious diseases. 

Specific Health and Safety regulations apply to the upkeep of hot tubs as they present a higher risk due to their ideal breading grounds, regulations include temperature management, a well-maintained filtration system, correct chemical balance, record keeping, risk assessment and regular testing.

In short, whether you own a caravan, barge, Air BnB or lodge, or you are a caravan or holiday park owner you are legally required under HSG282 and HSG274 to ensure you are fully undertaking the control of Health and Safety at your premises and this includes the control infectious waterborne diseases. 

Here at SAS Water, we are experts in water control, we are passionate about educating people on the risks involved and what your legal requirements are. So, whether you require training for your employees on the requirements, a risk assessment of your system, sampling of your water, or you would like to speak to us about your obligations then get in touch today at  info@saswater.co.uk  www.saswater.co.uk or call  01335347058. 

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