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BBC award winning garden moves to Lincolnshire Parks

The focal feature of an award-winning entry at the prestigious BBC Gardeners World Live show has moved to two Lincolnshire holiday home parks.

The life-size wooden horse sculptures which were hand-carved by an artist in Asia are now on permanent display at Lakeside Park in North Somercotes and Whispering Waters, Mablethorpe.
The ambitious show garden created by Horticulture and Construction students at Derby College Group’s Broomfield Hall won a silver merit medal at Birmingham’s National Exhibition Centre in June.

The College teamed up with the Multiple Sclerosis Society and a range of sponsors headed by Don Amott Parks which has five Lincolnshire holiday parks. Key features of the garden, including the spectacular wooden horses, have now been rebuilt at Lakeside Park.BBC award winning horse sculpture at Lincolnshire Parks

Chairman, Don Amott said: “Having lost a cousin to Multiple Sclerosis, I was particularly keen to work alongside the MS Society on this project. It is a charity that is close to my heart. 

“I also wanted to demonstrate how highly we value horticulture skills at all of our five parks and the continued importance of attention-to-detail and creativity in today’s leisure industry.”

Derby College Horticulture lecturer Mike Baldwin has 25 years’ experience of creating competition show gardens with students at Broomfield Hall.

He said: “We were obviously delighted to have won such a prestigious medal for our most ambitious garden yet.

“Around 70 students in the Horticulture and Construction academies have been involved in the design and build and we have had great feedback from both the judges and visitors.

“We were delighted to have worked alongside the Derby branch of the MS Society and Don Amott Parks who have so generously supported us and who will ensure that ‘The Revelation Garden’ continues to be enjoyed for many years to come.

Lakeside Park is close to the village of North Somercotes, just 12 miles from Louth. 

For more information you can visit www.donamottparks.com


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