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The voice of the UK holiday park industry

Caravan Industry & Park Operator magazine offers essential reading for holiday park owners and operators across the UK.

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How one small product is boosting the winter holiday park trade

A huge problem for the UK holiday industry is, let’s face it, the weather. Not only are outdoor activities more or less off-limits when Mother Nature does her worst over the winter months, but motorhomes, caravans and holiday homes are not geared up for the harsh conditions – or so it was thought.

With the introduction of more modern and efficient materials – walls, outer shells etc which keep in the heat – and the introduction of heating in even the most basic of models, winter breaks are now on the cards for millions of caravan owners and those wanting to rent too. 

For those parks which close during the winter, the loss of revenue is now somewhat of an unnecessary evil. 

“But we drain down for the whole winter,” we hear you cry. 

Floe - the small product that is boosting the winter holiday park tradeWhy? When you can drain down on a more regular basis with a simple and highly cost-effective bit of new technology? 

Floë is a brand which has got everyone talking over the past few years – it offers owners of all types of holiday units, from houseboats to lodges, the chance to drain water from the system in just four minutes. The pump takes all the water out out of the system which is liable to freeze or harbour dangerous bacteria, and cleans the boiler as it works. 

“It must be expensive!” you protest! 

Well, it’s not if you cost out the benefits over five years (the length of time the product is guaranteed for). 

The Floë Induratec costs £235, plus £40 if fitting is needed. So over five years, it’s an investment of just £55 a year including fitting. But if people can return whenever and as often as they like to holiday parks over the winter months, this could be paid off well and truly within the year. This opens up a whole new raft of Christmas and New Year business opportunities for holiday parks and their surrounding communities. 

So popular has Floë become, the US market are now looking at buying this Northern Irish invention – and company founder Jason Paul tells us: “Our trials in the US have worked well and our order there is underway. We are still growing in the UK too so we’ve been hectic recently! 

“The sites are really beginning to come on board and see the benefits to the customer. 

“Park managers are thinking about what they’ll get in return – more income for the park, happier customers and a bigger benefit for the local community.” 

“How can we be sure it’ll work?” you ask. 

There are plenty of solid online testimonials for Floë products such as: 

• “This product works so well that it feels like every caravan should have one as standard.” 

• “Hi Jason, Just to let you know I fitted the Floë 868 to my static on the weekend. It was very easy and works perfectly. It’s a brilliant product and will make my life so much easier when draining down over the winter period. Thanks for all your advice!” 

• “After reading about the Floe 868 and having many problems with frozen pipes over the years and at a vast expense I decided to take the plunge. Contacted Jason who answered my questions putting my mind at ease. Why didn’t I do it sooner – money well spent, so easy to fit, easy to drain down, no more paying to drain down which cost £80 a time. Don’t normally comment on products but this is brilliant, even told a few on the caravan site they’re all interested. Once again Jason thank you.” 

• “Fitted it today in under 30 mins, test drained down all taps and showers, and filled back up without incident, this is a fantastic piece of kit!” 

• “Thank you Jason for working with us and of course we will recommend the 868 to anyone looking for a drain down system. The season has been extended on our park so I’m sure there will be interest in your product.” 

If you’re still not convinced, get in touch with Floë who will answer your questions – before the winter kicks in!


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