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The voice of the UK holiday park industry

Caravan Industry & Park Operator magazine offers essential reading for holiday park owners and operators across the UK.

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GoldPark Holiday Caravan Insurance

The conduct of insurance activities is becoming more complex as FCA rules and regulations continue to evolve, and now GDPR has added a further layer of regulation. 

Whatever your chosen insurance option might be – whether it’s Appointed Representative (AR), Introducer Appointed Representative (IAR) or Passive Introducer (PI) – GoldPark have the solution. 

We find increasingly that the most popular solution for our park owners has become the IAR option.  Some parks were reluctant to relinquish their AR status as they felt they may lose control of their scheme.  However our unique on-line system provides a real-time analysis of their owners’ insurance.  By referring clients to GoldPark, park owners have found that any initial loss of commission is more than made up by increased penetration, removal of park administration cost and postage costs and the fear of unintentionally breaching FCA regulations.   

14 days’ free insurance with caravan sales

When a park sells a caravan holiday home, GoldPark can provide 14 days’ free insurance during which period the client will be contacted by one of our trained advisors and provided with a quotation over the telephone.

Switching from being an AR to becoming an IAR is easy as GoldPark provide all the back-up needed for seamless transition.  GoldPark Holiday Caravan Insurance

GoldPark’s policies are backed by AXA and offer wide cover and competitive premiums. Our commission terms are flexible according to the differences in park involvement.  

GoldPark have developed a reputation for working successfully with parks and we always ensure that our offering is tailored to the specific needs of the park owner.  Our trained advisors have a friendly and helpful approach and have received many compliments from park owners and individual clients.  

For further information contact Richard Hornsey on 01377 256135, or Alan Johnson on 07713 868080, see us at the The Lawns show.  

Visit GoldPark insurance at the webiste​ goldparkinsurance.co.uk


Speedy Fit Park House

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