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Caravan Industry & Park Operator magazine offers essential reading for holiday park owners and operators across the UK.

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Holiday Park & Resort Innovation Show – Safely Returning to “Normality”

As the world is slowly but surely returning to “normality” as we once knew it, we are delighted to be welcoming back the Holiday Park & Resort Innovation Show this year on the 10th & 11th November at the NEC Birmingham. Whilst we are excited to finally be opening doors again in person, we appreciate that there are some reservations surrounding attending such busy events and mixing with other people after being in our own bubbles for so long. We wouldn’t be going ahead with this event if we didn’t feel it was safe, and we want to make sure that you feel safe attending the show and have the best experience possible.

Following government guidelines and advice from the team at the NEC, these are the measures currently in place to ensure tHoliday Park & Resort Innovation Show Entrancehe safety of everyone at the event:

  • Anyone wishing to enter any of the Rural Entrepreneur shows will have to provide either proof of double vaccination or a negative lateral flow test within 48 hours of attending – please note that there will be a limited number of lateral flow tests available at the venue, however these will be distributed on a first come first served basis
  • Testing and tracing is supported at the event and all exhibitors, visitors, staff etc onsite will be recorded
  • Visitors have been asked to pre-register for tickets which are being sent to you to bring along with you, to limit unnecessary contact with staff
  • Masks are no longer mandatory as per government guidelines, however they are advised

The NEC have also taken extra steps to increase the safety of their venue, including:

  • Testing and tracing is supported via pre-booked parking
  • Touch points throughout the venue are limited
  • Sanitising stations present throughout the venue
  • Enhanced sanitation throughout both days across the venue, particularly focussing on frequent contact services
  • Washroom attendants present to ensure hygiene standards are maintained at all times

Holiday Park & Resort Innovation Show AwardThe safety of all our visitors, exhibitors, speakers, partners and staff attending the Holiday Park & Resort Innovation Show is our utmost priority and we know that the safer you feel at the event, the more enjoyable your experience will be. We have been doing everything we can to ensure this event can safely go ahead this year, and we are so excited to welcome you to the show, in person, on the 10th & 11th November.

Government guidelines are continuously being reviewed and we will update our website with the measures in place accordingly. For more information about the show, including COVID-19 safety measures, visit the website at holidayparkshow.co.uk

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