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Finals of the 2024 Scottish Hospitality Awards

Largo Leisure Holidays are proud and excited to announce that two of their holiday parks have been named as finalists in the 2024 Scottish Hospitality Awards.

largo leisure parks bedroom

Braidhaugh Holiday Park and recently acquired Campsie Glen Holiday Park have both made it to the final stages of the prestigious awards, which aim to highlight and reward the best of the hospitality industry in Scotland.

Braidhaugh Holiday Park which sits in a prime position on the banks of the River Earn in Crieff has made it to the finals in the Best Caravan Park category with sister park Scottish countryside gem, Campsie Glen in Fintry, named as a finalist in the Best Holiday Park category.

largo leisure lodge

Largo Leisure Parks, Commercial Director, Rachel Mabbs said “We are absolutely thrilled to have two of our parks named as finalists in different categories in the Scottish Hospitality Awards 2024.

The teams on park do an amazing job and this wouldn’t be possible without all their hard work. The awards are a fantastic way of recognising the work they do. We will keep our fingers crossed for a good result on the night.”

To find out more about Largo Leisure and their six award winning parks , visit www.largoleisure.co.uk

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