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The voice of the UK holiday park industry

Caravan Industry & Park Operator magazine offers essential reading for holiday park owners and operators across the UK.

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Holiday Resort Daycations Will Overtake Staycations In 2021

World of Rides, the longest established U.K. family-owned manufacturer and distributor of Children’s Rides celebrated its 50th Anniversary during 2019, and in addition to their world-beating seventy-two model range of 12v and 24v battery rides, they are also the official UK distributors for many other award-winning themed ranges of 240v static children’s rides too!

They are also UK’s leading source of ready-made themed battery ride attractions for the holiday resorts industry, such as Bumper Boat and Bumper Aqua-Ball pools, Bumper Car tracks and Bumper-Ball pitches, Go-Kart tracks and Jurassic-Adventure trails, as well as Driving Schools and many others!

daycaytions playing on bumper boatsDespite the Covid-19 pandemic, many of the UK’s leading holiday park and holiday resort owners and operators have already been placing their orders for 2021 ever since November 2020, for pollution free battery ride attractions, knowing that however short the season turns out to be for 2021, their attractions will almost certainly still achieve pay-back plus a profit, based upon their past-experience of World of Rides attractions!

The Government has already stated that it is their intention that the current lockdown will begin to be eased as quickly as possible, and the Bank of England have predicted that the public have saved around £250 billion during lockdown to spend on their leisure pursuits… which if they enjoy them, will result in them returning for even more UK daycations and holidays in future years too!

With all UK holiday hotels and holiday parks announcing being almost fully booked already, and with many millions of holidaymakers still being hesitant about taking holiday accommodation this early after the pandemic, then millions of holiday visitors with millions of pounds to spend between them are going to descend on all UK holiday resorts this year, hoping to find new attractions to entertain and amuse them… more especially since the weather is also forecast to be wonderfully hot and sunny!  

All World of Rides attractions are brimming with CE, TUV, and UK HSE-BACTA-ADIPS safety features as well as all the latest digital sound effects, LED lighting and rugged GRP bodywork attract features… and they constantly remain high on the wish-lists of some of the leisure industries leading buyers and operators!

You can view a small sample range of their rides at their website, which is also currently being updated:  www.worldofrides.com  


Thank You!

Please contact David Robinson on  david@worldofrides.com

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