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The voice of the UK holiday park industry

Caravan Industry & Park Operator magazine offers essential reading for holiday park owners and operators across the UK.

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Elite Dynamics to focus on continued growth of holiday park industry

Elite Dynamics, a leading provider of software solutions to the Holiday Parks industry, will start 2020 with a dedicated focus of supporting Holiday Parks to capitalise on the predicted rise in staycations.
The tourism sector is forecast to grow by almost 20 per cent over the next five years* – faster than many other key industries including manufacturing and construction – and presents huge opportunities for forward-thinking Holiday Parks.
As market leaders within the industry, Elite Dynamics, which was founded by industry and technology specialists Jamaine Campbell, Jack Vernon, and Nicola Campbell in 2015, plan to unveil new systems and tools to simplify processes for holiday park owners and help improve their bottom line. 
New product enhancements are being continuously developed to facilitate the ongoing digital transfoFounding members of Elite Dynamicsrmation of the Holiday Parks industry; from integrated management solutions improving customer communications to providing the functionality to add-on extra revenue streams for on-park activities and events.
The company’s rapidly growing customer base, which has tripled in the last three years, is already reaping the benefits of using unique software solutions officially accredited and powered by Microsoft technology. 
Dean Styger, Finance Director, Talacre Beach Caravan Sales Limited, said: “Implementing our Microsoft Dynamics based park management solution enabled us to strip £250,000 of costs out of the business in the first year.”
Jamaine Campbell, co-founder and Commercial Director of Elite Dynamics, said: “We’re committed as a company to being at the forefront of the digitisation of the Holiday Parks industry and to provide innovative, market leading solutions that increase our customers’ efficiency and positively impact their bottom line.
“The UK Holiday Park sector accounts for a huge £9.3bn of visitor spend each year and people both stay longer and spend more than any other tourism area. With even more growth forecasted through a continued boom in staycationing, now really is the time for holiday park owners to evolve, grow and capitalise on a strong market. 
“We understand how technology is changing and what businesses need to give them a competitive edge, so we’ll provide them with the tools and support to successfully manage everything from start to finish.”
Throughout 2019, Elite Dynamics has grown its suite of products to include new EliteCRM for Customer Relationship Management and EliteFinance options, as well as launching a new Owners App to strengthen communication between holiday parks and their customers. They have also invested in growing their workforce to a 13 strong team of industry, technology, and IT specialists, which has more than doubled in the last two years. 
For more information or to arrange a demonstration of our industry focused solutions, visit https://www.elitedynamics.co.uk.

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