Dog waste is a problem that we see on private property, public open spaces, parks, communities, beach fronts, woodland and areas of natural beauty. The irony of something that does naturally biodegrade being placed in a single use plastic bag is hugely problematic.
To tackle the growing number of dog owners who fall foul of the law, TiksPac are now working with landowners and councils across the UK. A survey of these areas measured a 60% decrease in dog fouling complaints on average and a 50% decrease in in overall littering in the same areas.

Supplying 5 countries, 7000 stations across landowners and 26 million 100% biodegradable and fully compostable bags a year, Tikspac is leading the fight to remove single use plastic and protect community space in a positive way.
Tikspac solution not only cleans up your land, it gives a positive message to your visitors and is a huge benefit to the environment.
The dispensers hold 100 per cent compostable and biodegradable dog waste bags which are free and accessible 24/7. The idea is aimed at those who have forgotten to bring dog bags with them, as well as those who have a sense of community and are willing to clear up in their area.
RibbyHall Holiday Park said: “While most dog walkers realise the importance of picking up after their pets, there is a small minority who are giving others a bad name.
“The new stations provide free bags for those pet owners that need encouragement to use them. They have proved extremely popular in our holiday park in Blackpool in the 2 years that we have
Come and visit us on Stand No H612 to find out more at the Holiday Park & Resort Innovation Show at the NEC on November 6th and 7th 2019 to find out more.